l"habitude est une seconde nature - definizione. Che cos'è l"habitude est une seconde nature
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Cosa (chi) è l"habitude est une seconde nature - definizione

Reginald Seconde; Reginald Louis Secondé; Secondé

Reginald Secondé         
Sir Reginald Louis Secondé (28 July 1922 – 26 October 2017) was a British diplomat who served as Ambassador to Chile, Romania and Venezuela. He was the son of Lt-Colonel Emile Charles Secondé and Dorothy Kathleen (née Sutherland).
Arts de seconde rhétorique         
Règles de la seconde rhétorique; Arts de seconde rhetorique
The term la seconde rhétorique (French for "second rhetoric") came into use in the fifteenth century as a description of secular, vernacular verse in France. The term embodied these three characteristics in opposition to (i) la première rhétorique, that is, prose; (ii) to writing in medieval Latin; and (iii) to the writings of the clergy (clercs).
Nature (journal)         
  • ''[[Nature Materials]],'' a specialized journal from [[Nature Research]], 2018
  • Skewed curve of citations per article in 2015 to Nature articles from 2013 to 2014
  • First title page, 4 November 1869
Nature journal; Journal Nature; Nature (magazine); Nature magazine; Nature Magazine; Nature (Journal); Nature (Magazine); Nature.com; Nature Podcast; Nature News; Letters to Nature; Nature.; Nature (publication); Nat.; Letters to nature; Nature Physical Science; Nature New Biology; Nature New Biol.; Nature New Biol; Nat Phys Sci; Nat. Phys. Sci.; Nat. New Biol.; Nat New Biol; Nature: New Biology; Nature Jobs; Nature Letters; Nature News Blog; News@nature; The journal Nature; News@nature.com; Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science; Nature group; Nature (News); Nature Futures
Nature is a British weekly scientific journal founded and based in London, England. As a multidisciplinary publication, Nature features peer-reviewed research from a variety of academic disciplines, mainly in science and technology.


Reginald Secondé

Sir Reginald Louis Secondé (28 July 1922 – 26 October 2017) was a British diplomat who served as Ambassador to Chile, Romania and Venezuela. He was the son of Lt-Colonel Emile Charles Secondé and Dorothy Kathleen (née Sutherland). On 4 June 1951, he married Catherine Penelope Sneyd-Kynnersley (9 October 1919 – June 2004).

Secondé was educated at Beaumont and King's College, Cambridge. He served during the Second World War as a Major in the Coldstream Guards.

Predeceased by his wife, Secondé had one son, two daughters and grandchildren. He died on 26 October 2017 at the age of 95.